Yup, and probably an OSGeo one as well. Will get those added next week.

On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 12:41 AM, Tim Sutton <li...@linfiniti.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Looks good! Might be nice to add the qgis logo to the site too.
> Regards
> Tim
> Sent from my mobile
> On 15 Feb 2014 2:06 PM, "Jeffrey Johnson" <jjohn...@boundlessgeo.com> wrote:
>> See below.
>> It's intended that the simple template can be easily forked and used
>> by other groups for their own sites. Groups like Code for America do
>> this (http://codeforsandiego.org/ http://codeforhamptonroads.org/ etc)
>> I'd like to eventually get a qgis plugin going that lets you perform
>> these steps from within qgis itself by changing the map projection and
>> AOI and supplying your github credentials.
>> We've tried to strike a balance of keeping things quite simple and
>> just linking back to qgis.org ... let us know how we could improve it.
>> PR's are welcome.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Jeffrey Johnson <jjohn...@boundlessgeo.com>
>> Date: Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 11:01 PM
>> Subject: Website Up
>> To: qgis-us-u...@lists.osgeo.org
>> Hi folks,
>> Thanks to Eva@boundless, we've now got a site up for this group. Check
>> it out at http://qgis.us ... The source is on github at
>> https://github.com/qgis-us/qgis-us.github.io and pull requests are of
>> course totally welcome and encouraged.
>> We've also got a twitter account going @qgis_us so go ahead and follow
>> there for more frequent updates and retweets.
>> We are almost finished finalizing the details for the first meeting in
>> DC on April 11th and will have a meetup site ready for registration
>> shortly.
>> Please spread the word!
>> Jeff@Boundless
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>> Qgis-community-team mailing list for organizing community resources such
>> as documentation, translation etc..
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