Dear QGIS users,

[This was posted on QGIS developer as well, but maybe I should seek the
solution here]

I am using QGIS 2.2 .0 (Valmiera) and trying to load a raster query result
via DBManager, using the following query:

select 1 as rid, st_union(st_band(rast, '4,3,2') ) as rast
from o_8_lc81970232013202lgn00_all_rds_sub, municipalities
where municipalities.wkb_geometry && rast
and munname = 'Veendam' 

(in short: Band 4,3,2 of a raster2pgsql-loaded Landsat-8 image (overview 8
version) for a "municipality" polygon (administrative commune boundary).

Execute (F5) correctly returns a single row (and I can save the union result
with ST_AsTIFF() to file in a script)

When I try to "Load as a new layer" to visualise the result in QGIS, I get
the following error message:

Erroneous query: SELECT DISTINCT upper(geometrytype("rast")),st_srid("rast")
FROM (select 1 as rid, st_union(st_band(rast, '4,3,2') ) as rast
from o_8_lc81970232013202lgn00_all_rds_sub, gemeentegebieden
where gemeentegebieden.wkb_geometry && rast
and gemnaam = 'Veendam' 
) AS "subQuery_0" returned 7 [ERROR:  function geometrytype(raster) does not
LINE 1: SELECT DISTINCT upper(geometrytype("rast")),st_srid("rast") ...
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need
to add explicit type casts.

Apparently, my query get "wrapped"  in the SELECT DISTINCT outer query above
(which obviously does not work).

Is this a known issue, and, if so, can it be modified, for instance by
providing explicitly geometrytype and srid (and if so, how?).

I also checked out the wktraster plugin, but that does not work for 2.2. Is
an upgrade expected soon [or should I try writing it myself].

Thanks for all the wonderful stuff,

Guido Lemoine



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