Am 12.03.2014 18:39, schrieb sit:

I've installed Valmiera and it works very good; but it doesn't recognize the icons and 
the extension .qgs and doesn't open the project; it also open a window in which write 
that it "can't find qgis_core.dll".
I can open project only by using "open Project", starting the program!
someone can help me?

It might be that your installation broke at some stage.

Please have a look at postinstall.log (standalone) or C:\OSGeo4W\var\log\setup.log.full for any error messages.

If you installed the 64bit version, try the 32bit. It might be that your PATH variable exceeds 1024 charcters, which then needs some cleaning to get QGIS running.

André Joost

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