Hi Markus,

Am 14.03.2014 11:49, schrieb Markus Weidenbach:
Thanks again Bernhard.
Currently during the testing phase my server is only running from about
09:00 - 18:00, when I am working in the office.
On http://landconsult.no-ip.com/QGIS-Web-Client-master/site/ you find
also the link to my wms_demo.qgs

OK, now I can access it. Use firebug in firefox to see what happens. If you do that you will realize that the error is that cgi-bin/qgis_mapsserv.fcgi is not accessible.

so first thing to do is to get your QGIS server running. GetProjectSettings or GetCapabilities must return something sensible. You can check this in your browser (or QGIS desktop). As soon as a GetMap request is successful (check this e.g. in QGIS desktop) you can start configuring QWC.

Thanks for the EPSG 31468 (GK4) update, I downloaded it (but since my
EPSG is GK3 with EPSG 31467, I locally added a new entry to the file wit
the EPSG 31467 parameters ).

You should duplicate the file, rename it to EPSG31467.js and change whatever is necessary inside.

I restartet Apache and the QWC again, but with no success.

Meanwhile I think the reason could be differences between the paths
needed for Linux and the ones needed for Windows and the different
syntax, which could easily be a source  for a small misspelling
somewhere in the *.config or *.js files.

And like other window users, I also got confused about the function of
C:\OSGeo4W\apache\htdocs\QGIS-Web-Client-master\cgi-bin\qgis_mapserv.fcgi and

never realised this but it is obviously not for Windows

(b) C:\OSGeo4W\apps\qgis\bin\qgis_mapserv.fcgi.exe

(b) is successfully being ued by my QGIS Map Server, but what file
should be used by QWC?

You are using the same because QWC runs on top of a qgsi_mapserv.fcgi

(a) looks to me like an uncompiled version of (b), again with some Linux
paths and variables in it and it is addressed in the default setting in
GlobalOptions.js and GISProjectListing.js?

And when I execute (b) in a DOS CMD window I got following error
(although the file works fine for the QGIS Server GetMap Request as
described before):

*ERROR 4: Unable to open EPSG support file gcs.csv.**
**Try setting the GDAL_DATA environment variable to point to the
directory containig EPSG csv files.**
Do you have any idea where to set the variable and where are the EPSG
csv files?



Dr. Markus Weidenbach
Geographical Information Management
and Environmental Planning
D-77815 Bühl
e.mail see: http://landConsult.de
Am 14.03.2014 07:48, schrieb Bernhard Ströbl:
Hi Markus,

I cannot access any of the URLs you provided, are they supposed to be
accessed from the internet?
If you want to use your demo project you have to set the projection in
GlobalOptions.js to the projection of your data and project (i.e.
EPSG:31467). Therefore you need to define this projection as
projection file in site/js/libs/proj4js/defs I just added EPSG:31468
to QWC for you to see how to do it. So checkout the latest version first.
You also have to set yx in LayerOptions to true for EPSG:31467.

Hope that helps


Am 13.03.2014 21:07, schrieb Markus Weidenbach:
Hi Bernhard,

thanks for your comments.
The helloworld.qgis is being provided within the QGIS Web Client Master
version as a default *.qgs stored in
C:\OSGeo4W\apache\htdocs\QGIS-Web-Client-master\projects , so that`s why
I think it should work.

Now I found that it is not even working as a simple QGIS Server WMS
Request, as follows:

Instead my own qgis project "wms_demo.qgs" with two shape files works
fine with the QGIS Server but it does not work with the Web Client ...

This works fine:

it also works without the SRS/EPSG information:

But this one does not work (WebClient Interface is o.k., but shapes are
not loading):

I am afraid the reason might be a simple path setting in the
C:\OSGeo4W\apache\htdocs\QGIS-Web-Client-master\site\js files ....
that´s why it would be helpful to know somebody with a working QWC on


Dr. Markus Weidenbach
Geographical Information Management
and Environmental Planning
D-77815 Bühl
e.mail see: http://landConsult.de

Am 13.03.2014 12:10, schrieb Bernhard Ströbl:
Hi Markus,

I have no experience with QWC and Windows but maybe if you describe
what you have done and what happens you may get an answer from the
list. Your URLs are not accessible (time-out), at least for me.
More comments below

Am 13.03.2014 10:37, schrieb Markus Weidenbach:
Dear List,

for 2 days I was trying to get the QGIS Web Client running on my
7 / Apache 2 system.
I think I checked almost all comments and (still left open)
questions on
that issue on the web and this mailing list and my impression is, that
nobody ever successfully installed the QGIS Web Client on
or am I wrong (?).

So, before I change to 3Liz lizmap-web-client, this post is my last
to get a positive answer ....

My settings are:
- Windows 7, 64 bit with QGIS 2.2 and _fully working QGIS Server_ on
Windows/Apache (all updated/loaded on 10. March 2014 from OSGEO4W
QGIS Server and Apache loaded with OSGEO4W "Web GIS Fast Installation"
setup mode).
- QGIS Web Client downloaded ZIP from
https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Web-Client on 10. march 2014

Like many other users I could successfully install the QGIS Server and
display my *.qgs data as a map on the browser and also get the
GetCapabilities information etc.
If you find my server switched on you can check:

this is not Hello World, is it?

But after the setting-up of the QGIS Web Client files under
C:\OSGeo4W\apache\htdocs\QGIS-Web-Client-master and after adjusting
possible paths (including the right path in the GlobalOptions.js
file at
<<var serverAndCGI = "";>> I
was only able to see the QGIS Web Client interface but
unfortunately not
the default map "helloworld.qgs".


so do you get Hello world in another client (entering a GetMap request
in your Browser or QGIS desktop)?
Why are you not setting QWC on the project you mention above in order
to decide whether it is a server or client problem?

So after all the reading and testing, I am not sure if QGIS
WebClient is
able to run on Windows/Apache at all?

Is there anybody out there with a working QGIS Web Client on

Thanks for your answers in advance (even if it is "no").




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