Hello. I'm trying to make a comparison of vegetation indices from a SPOT
image (spatial resolution 10 m) and Landsat (30 m spatial resolution). To
make this work I have to change the pixel size for the 2 images have the
same resolution. How I can do this? I'm new to this and the truth is much
more complicated to me to do it. Thank you very much. I welcome your

2014-06-11 16:27 GMT-03:00 Ivan Minčík <ivan.min...@gmail.com>:

> On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 2:35 PM, Andreas Neumann <a.neum...@carto.net>
> wrote:
>> Hi Ivan,
>> Your web client looks nice.
>> Is there a reason why you develop this client in parallel with the other
>> two existing web clients - QGIS web client and Lizmap? Why not join the
>> resources - you seem to be using the same technology stack (OpenLayers,
>> Ext, QGIS server).
> Hi Andreas, thanks for your response.
> GIS.lab is much more than QGIS and some web client. We are still working
> on better explanation on our web site. Also, I will try to explain our
> plans in FOSS4G Europe in Bremen -  you are welcome .
> At the beginning, we really evaluated usage of QGIS Web Client, but we
> finished with decision, that there are so many things which are not
> suitable to our needs, that it is much easier to write our own client.
> For example, we have some strong requirements of fully automatic
> publication of QGIS project in GIS.lab Web without any additional server
> configuration. Also, QGIS Web Client is missing some automatic tiles
> caching which was also much more easier to implement by our self. Also we
> want to implement many specific features, which may not be suitable for
> general usage client.
> Nevertheless, GIS.lab team is submitting patches to QGIS Desktop.
> Ivan
> --
> Ivan Minčík
> ivan.min...@gmail.com  GPG: 0x79529A1E
> http://imincik.github.io/0x79529A1E.key
> ivan.min...@gista.sk     GPG: 0xD714B02C
> http://imincik.github.io/0xD714B02C.key
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