Hi Marco,

never tried to mix mysql with QGIS. So now I tried it here on Debian.

with me QGIS master crashes (on Debian Testing), but QGIS-2.2 is doing fine.

I'll create an issue for the crash. You could for your problem do the
same if somebody else can confirm.


Richard Duivenvoorde

On 18-06-14 13:13, Marco Manfredini wrote:
> I've hit into a problem with MySQL Layers when using QGIS-Valmiera from
> the ubuntugis-stable ppa. Step to reproduce it on my machine:
> Take any dataset, like this (free, in ESRI Shape Format):
> www.naturalearthdata.com/download/110m/cultural/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.zip
> Import to MySQL:
> $ ogr2ogr -f MySQL
> MySQL:test,host=,user=testuser,password=testpassword
> ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp  -update -overwrite -lco ENGINE=MyISAM
> Now I can easily open the resulting layer as a database vector layer,
> when I'm using the stand-alone QGIS Valmiera for Windows fetched from
> the official QGIS Site (Windows 7/amd64).
> But - When I'm on Ubuntu 12.04, then QGIS Valmiea from the
> ubuntugis-stable ppa does this:
> I add the layer from mysql - nothing is drawn to the map. The attribute
> table is populated with correct values. Zooming to the layer's extend
> gives me correct values.
> The invisible layer can be exported using Layer|Save As.. (for example
> as GeoJSON)
> The GeoJSON can be added again to the map and the GeoJSON layer displays
> correctly.
> When I turn the the GeoJSON layer off now, then (in half of the cases)
> the MySQL layer suddenly draws correctly and keeps drawing as expected
> until I terminate the program. However, when I save the map and load it
> into a new QGIS session, then the MySQL layer is dead again.
> Any ideas? This is a bit frustrating.
> - Marco
> $ uname -a
> Linux oblomow 3.8.0-42-generic #62~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jun 4
> 22:04:18 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> Stuff from "Help|About":
> QGIS-Version    2.2.0-Valmiera    QGIS-Codeversion    exported
> Kompiliert gegen Qt    4.8.1    Laufendes Qt    4.8.2
> Kompiliert mit GDAL/OGR    1.10.0    Läuft mit GDAL/OGR    1.10.0
> Kompiliert mit GEOS    3.3.8-CAPI-1.7.8    Läuft mit GEOS   
> 3.3.8-CAPI-1.7.8
> PostgreSQL-Client-Version    9.1.11    SpatiaLite-Version    4.1.0
> QWT-Version    5.2.2    PROJ.4-Version    480
> QScintilla2-Version
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