
We would like to inform you that the early bird registration deadline
for The Graphical Web 2014 conference is due this Friday, July 11. The
conference takes place in Winchester, UK, from August 27 to 30. The
Graphical Web is the successor of the previous SVG Open conference
series. See http://www.graphicalweb.org/ for additional information.

This conference may be of interest for you, because we offer half-day
courses on QGIS, R, d3.js, WebGL, SVG and HTML5.

We compiled a very interesting list of keynotes, presentations, panels
and workshops. This year's theme is "Visual Storytelling" and we were
able to invite a number of interesting keynote speakers working on this
topic. We offer workshops on d3.js, SVG, HTML5, WebGL, QGIS and R. We'd
like to thank our speakers, workshop instructors and other contributors
in advance for their support. In addition we would like to thank our
sponsor: Google, Adobe, Mozilla and Tableau Software.

Looking forward to meet many of you at The Graphical Web 2014. Please
help us advertise the conference in your blogs and social media.

Andreas Neumann
Member of The Graphical Web 2014 Organizing Team
Qgis-user mailing list

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