On 07/29/2014 01:45 AM, Peter Versteeg wrote:
> thank you very much for the email.
> I think I am almost there. I have set the compression to LZW and did a
> export and I did a export on high compression. Both are still really big.
> in your first mail you explained about:
>             The type of number stored dictates a large amount of overhead,
> there is
>                 a huge difference between Integer and Float.
>                 -co COMPRESS=LZW  -ot Int16
>                 See http://www.gdal.org/gdal_translate.html for options.
> Pick the
>                 smallest type of number storage that holds your data
> correctly. Most
>                 GDAL tools will default to Float, that is likely the
> difference.
> In the save raster as window where i also set the compress to LZW i did try
> to ad a line but i do not know what to type.
> name: Int value 16 or name ot value int16 all do not work.
> Can you tell me what line to write
> gr Peter

As I said in my previous email:
If that still isn't enough use GDAL Translate found on the Raster menu
under Conversion. There you will be able to set all the possible options.

Basically the options are not in the Save As dialog. I will talk to the
developers about adding more options.

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