Second try, after reworking your steps on Windows 7 and QGIS 2.4 32-bit:

Am 19.08.2014 19:46, schrieb Laura O'Grady:

When I was using OSM/Open Layers before in QGIS 2.2 I used the tutorial
posted here:

What is written there is almost current.

When I attempted to re-create this process in 2.4 using the instructions
posted here by John I was able to load Open Street Map as the basemap I
could not download the data. I tried loading it from the canvas (link to
screen dump with error):

and loading it from the map layer (link to screen dump with error):

If you look in the bottom left corner of the "Download Open Street Data"
dialogue boxes in both screen dumps you will see that they have "0.0 MB"
already hard coded. I could not remove or adjust this number. I didn't
attempt the manual entry because this same issue regarding the 0.0 MB
appeared again with this option checked off. As I can't get the data
downloaded I cannot move forward with downloading the tags I'm interested

Normally, you download the map extent, and the bbox coordinates are automatically reprojected to WGS84. For Toronto, it should be around:
West: -79.7523
North: 43.8554
East: -79.0002
south: 43.5806
Looking at your second error image, I see "Extent from Layer" for the OSM background checked, and West set to -180. That means you want the whole world! The overpass API rejects such requests, because it would need some GB of traffic. QGIS would not be able to handle that anyway. The MB reported is read-only, you can not enter anything there. I got 291 MB for Toronto.

By the way, you can downgrade to QGIS 2.2, but you can not downgrade the plugins.

André Joost

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