I have been using Qgis 1.8 for a couple of years and have decided that it is 
time to upgrade. I have installed Qgis 2.2 on my Windows 7 laptop and I can no 
longer use OpenStreetMap. I opened a project I made using Qgis 1.8 and the 
street map layer was no longer there. I then opened the OpenStreetMap (Vector 
--> OpenStreetMap --> Download Data) in Qgis 2.2, left the defaults alone, and 
clicked on the "OK" button. I received the following error message:

"Cannot open output file:"

I must be missing either a dependent plug-in or a dll but can find no 
documentation about this error.

I use the OpenStreetmap functionality a lot and it has become a necessity for 


P.S. I also could not use OpenStreetMap with Qgis 2.4 so I uninstalled it and 
tried Qgis 2.2 with the hope that it would not be a problem in an older 
version. No such luck!
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