I've moved Mathias Walker (#1 in the second list) to that place and
exchanged my place in the Linuxhotel with Sandro Mani (#2 in second
list). Hope that's ok.
On 11.09.2014 08:31, Diethard Jansen wrote:
Hi there,
I have decided not to stay at the Linux hotel but to move to the
campsite http://www.ruhrcamping.de <http://www.ruhrcamping.de/> which
is situated 600 m from the linux hotel. I will sleep in a Bauwagen.
All Bauwagens are occupied now. Line 25 on the list of the linuxhotel
is now vacant. Someone can take the vacant place in the linuxhotel by
filling in that line.
I drive to Essen by car and can bring some camping gear if other
people are willing to sleep in a tent on the campside. I can bring one
or two tents (4 person & 2 person tent). To sleep in a tent is not
expensive (see website). However, I will arrive on the 2nd of October
and I expect some help putting up the tents and breaking them down on
sunday morning.
If you want to sleep in a tent please put it on the wiki page so I
know if I should bring a tent.
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