On 16-10-14 11:29, Jonathan Moules wrote:

> Has anyone else had success pointing to Oracle Views? How about PostGIS 
> views, do they work?

hi Jonathan,

tried it here.

I'm able to see an Oracle View, but only after:

- create a simple (point view) via 'create view as select * from ....)

at that time the view is not visible in QGIS, so

- added the view to the spatial metadata table

now I could see it, but it was still show as 'grey' text lines and not

- then in the QGIS-add oracle dialog, there is a column 'Primary key
column' in which you can select a column as primary column (probably
this should be an unique one...). After doing that:

- NOW the layer is black, and I'm able to add it to QGIS

If you did the same steps, maybe your primary key column is not unique?
Or have some invalid data?
Maybe first try this with some simple test data?


Richard Duivenvoorde

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