Hi Andrés,

Unfortunately I can't say nothing useful about this particular error but, for what it's worth, the GRASS GIS algorithms r.cost and r.drain that can be easily accessed via the GRASS GIS plugin, works pretty fine with very good results.


On 10/11/14 12:35, Andrés Ocaña Carretón wrote:

I am conducting a study of territories exploitation of archaeological sites. To do this I need to create a layer of accumulated cost isotropic, taking as a starting point to study the site. For the creation of the layer of costs, I use a layer of fricion created from a DEM as a starting point and a raster layer of site. The layer of site has been rasterized from a vector layer in which the site has been applied to a value of 1.

We appreciate indicate me as I can do with QGIS. I used the acululado cost (isotropic) SAGA process, but I get the following error:

Oooops! The following output layers could not be open
·Accumulated Cost: C:\DOCUME~1\deportes\CONFIG~1\Temp\processing\aefc4bf43b194e51acdfd655b5c6fc31\ACCCOST.tif ·Closest Point: C:\DOCUME~1\deportes\CONFIG~1\Temp\processing\0433fdc33f93400c85b524e9cc2dd749\CLOSESTPT.tif The above files could not be opened, which probably indicates that they were not correctly produced by the executed algorithm Checking the log information might help you see why those layers were not created as expected This algorithm requires SAGA to be run. A test to check if SAGA is correctly installed and configured in your system has been performed, with the following result:
/SAGA seems to be correctly installed and configured./

The problem pudede be that the process needs a point of arrival and not starting?

Best Regards

Andres Ocaña


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