On 08-12-14 15:05, Schielen, Ralph (WVL) wrote:
> I recently changed to windows 7; I used to work under XP.
> I reinstalled qgis dufour and I noticed that I miss most of the icons in
> the toolbar. The icons are there (I can put my mouse on them, and I see
> the mini-text) but they are blank.
> Does anybody know how to get the correct icons back?

Hi Ralph,

strange, dufour = 2.0, we are now on 2.6 (Brighton).

Any reason to not upgrade to that version?

You can get it from:


If you REALLY want to stick to 2.0, dit you install the latest of the
2.0 installers from http://qgis.org/downloads/ apparently 2.0.1?

But I would try to upgraden to latest 2.6.1 if I were you.


Richard Duivenvoorde
Qgis-user mailing list

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