Hi Andreas,

I'm Bringing this back to the list, as others here probably have some
better thoughts than I do.  Googling around, I found this tool which might
be useful (?), though I can't tell how it handles overlaps [haven't even
downloaded it...]: https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/Correlator

Not sure about enblend (can't access the site right now)

Depending on how different the images are, you could just try mosaicing and
see what it looks like (gdal_merge takes the values of last image added for
overlaps).  If there's a way to standardize color values based on
brightness, or by RGB bands, that might help, either before or after
mosaicing. (might depend on if you're dealing with multi-band image, or
single band? - it would be fairly easy on multi-band like Landsat)

Hope that helps,

On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 9:28 AM, Andreas Neumann <a.neum...@carto.net>

>  Hi Michael,
> I have 4 images with approx 30% overlap in each axis (north/east). I would
> like to mosaic the images to get a single big images covering the full area.
> I hope that the images are nicely blended into each other so I don't see
> the the seam/border of the original images - I was hoping to get something
> similar to "enblend/enfuse" (http://enblend.sourceforge.net). I don't
> think that enblend/enfuse keeps my georefencing - or does it?
> Andreas
> On 10.12.2014 16:10, Michael Treglia wrote:
>  Hi Andreas,
> Do you mean that you want to effectively create a stack of rasters (i.e.,
> multi-band raster)? If not, we might need some more details.
>  If so, the Raster Merge operation (using gdal_warp) should work - go to
> Raster -> Miscellaneous -> Merge, and check the box for "Layer Stack" (
> http://www.gdal.org/gdal_merge.html).
>  You can also do that in SAGA via Import/Export -> GDAL/OGR -> GDAL:
> Export Raster, and add multiple grids, though this is a bit more
> constrained and I think needs to have all layers in the same Resolution.
>  This is also do-able in R using the Raster package, look into "brick",
> "stack", and "writeRaster"
>  hope that helps,
> Mike
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Andreas Neumann <a.neum...@carto.net>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I georeferenced four overlapping aerial images - with QGIS/GDAL and the
>> thin plate spline method. Now I want to mosaick/blend the overlapping
>> images. Are there any good FOSSGIS tools available that support mosaicking
>> with blending? Perhaps with SAGA/GRASS/OTB? Any recommendations?
>> Thanks for any pointers/tutorials.
>> Andreas
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