
Very interesting thread!

Would it work to install QGIS/OSGeo4W to a network drive and just copy it from 
there to the different Workstations (e.g. to C:\OSGEO4W64 for Windows 
workstations)? Will not registry / path settings be scrued?

In our institution we distribute QGIS settings using a batch script on Windows 
(attached, renamed it from bat to .txt, so the mail does not end on a 
blacklist) for setting registry keys for OWS / database connections, GUI or 
digitizing related settings or copying project templates or default plugins.

But institution-wide installation of OSGeo4W remained as a challenge (including 
keeping QGIS-plugins up to date). I tried to download packages to a network 
drive (so not everybody had to download from the internet). But users had 
trouble with installing from there through osgeo4w installer... So I would be 
very interested in learning more cost-efficient means of deployment of the 
software (OSGeo4W / QGIS)...


@echo off

set /p all=Import all default settings (Y/N):
IF [%all%] == [n] GOTO webservices
IF [%all%] == [N] GOTO webservices
IF [%all%] == [y] GOTO webservices
IF [%all%] == [Y] GOTO webservices

GOTO all

IF [%all%] == [y] GOTO set_webservices
IF [%all%] == [Y] GOTO set_webservices
set /p webservices=Import a list of web services (WMS/WFS/WCS/CSW) (Y/N):
IF [%webservices%] == [n] GOTO ui_settings 
IF [%webservices%] == [N] GOTO ui_settings
IF [%webservices%] == [y] GOTO set_webservices
IF [%webservices%] == [Y] GOTO set_webservices

GOTO webservices

echo Importing web map and data services...
regedit /s .\QGIS_Settings\wms_connections.reg
regedit /s .\QGIS_Settings\wms_list.reg
regedit /s .\QGIS_Settings\wcs_connections.reg
regedit /s .\QGIS_Settings\wcs_list.reg
regedit /s .\QGIS_Settings\csw_connections.reg
echo %webservices%

IF [%all%] == [y] GOTO set_ui_settings
IF [%all%] == [Y] GOTO set_ui_settings
set /p ui_settings=Import various User Interface settings (e.g. english 
language, snapping defaults, default projection settings ...) (Y/N):
IF [%ui_settings%] == [n] GOTO postgis 
IF [%ui_settings%] == [N] GOTO postgis
IF [%ui_settings%] == [y] GOTO set_ui_settings
IF [%ui_settings%] == [Y] GOTO set_ui_settings

GOTO ui_settings

echo Setting ui_settings to engish...
regedit.exe /s .\QGIS_Settings\english_local.reg
regedit.exe /s .\QGIS_Settings\digitising.reg
regedit.exe /s .\QGIS_Settings\gdal_geotiff.reg
regedit.exe /s .\QGIS_Settings\projections.reg

IF [%all%] == [y] GOTO set_postgis
IF [%all%] == [Y] GOTO set_postgis
set /p postgis=Import default PostGIS connections (Y/N):
IF [%postgis%] == [n] GOTO plugins 
IF [%postgis%] == [N] GOTO plugins
IF [%postgis%] == [y] GOTO set_postgis
IF [%postgis%] == [Y] GOTO set_postgis

GOTO postgis

echo Importing PostGIS connections...
regedit.exe /s .\QGIS_Settings\postgis_connection_ecogis.reg
regedit.exe /s .\QGIS_Settings\postgis_connection.reg

IF [%all%] == [y] GOTO set_plugins
IF [%all%] == [Y] GOTO set_plugins
set /p plugins=Import default QGIS plugins (Y/N):
IF [%plugins%] == [n] GOTO templates 
IF [%plugins%] == [N] GOTO templates
IF [%plugins%] == [y] GOTO set_plugins
IF [%plugins%] == [Y] GOTO set_plugins

GOTO plugins

echo Importing QGIS plugins (may take a while)...
IF exist %UserProfile%\.qgis2 ( echo QGIS user profile folder exists ) ELSE ( 
mkdir %UserProfile%\.qgis2 && echo QGIS user profile folder 
%UserProfile%\.qgis2 created)
IF exist %UserProfile%\.qgis2\python ( echo QGIS python folder exists ) ELSE ( 
mkdir %UserProfile%\.qgis2\python && echo QGIS python folder created)
IF exist %UserProfile%\.qgis2\python\plugins ( echo QGIS plugins folder exists 
) ELSE ( mkdir %UserProfile%\.qgis2\python\plugins && echo QGIS plugins folder 
::#xcopy .\QGIS_settings\.qgis2\python\plugins\* 
%UserProfile%\.qgis2\python\plugins\ /E /S /C /Q
::regedit /s .\QGIS_Settings\python_plugins.reg

IF [%all%] == [y] GOTO set_templates
IF [%all%] == [Y] GOTO set_templates
set /p templates=Import default project and map templates (Y/N):
IF [%templates%] == [n] GOTO end 
IF [%templates%] == [N] GOTO end
IF [%templates%] == [y] GOTO set_templates
IF [%templates%] == [Y] GOTO set_templates

GOTO templates

echo Importing map and project templates...
IF exist %UserProfile%\.qgis2 ( echo QGIS user profile folder exists ) ELSE ( 
mkdir %UserProfile%\.qgis2 && echo QGIS user profile folder 
%UserProfile%\.qgis2 created)
IF exist %UserProfile%\.qgis2\project_templates ( echo Templates folder exists 
) ELSE ( mkdir %UserProfile%\.qgis2\project_templates && echo QGIS Templates 
folder created)
xcopy .\QGIS_settings\.qgis2\project_templates\* 
%UserProfile%\.qgis2\project_templates\ /E /S /C

set /p quit=Press any key to close the dialog...

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