After a few years time I am back and trying to use QGIS.

   1. Currently using QGIS 2.6.1-Brighton. While trying for georeferencing
   of a small scale map  using polynomial  2 and 3, I am getting the message:
   Failed to compute GCP transform. Transform is not solvable.
   2. Unable to install Gearth Plugin

Can some one help

Shibu K.Mani
Assistant Professor
Jamsetji Tata Centre for Disaster Management
Tata Institute of Social Sciences,
Malti and Jal A D Naoroji Campus,
Deonar Farm Road, Mumbai - 400 088
Tel. 022 25525892  Fax. 022 25525890
Mobile: 09619612971 Res: 022 27884113
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