
I have three geojson files.

File #1 is in 4326 and has the following crs :
            "type": "link",
                                  "type": "proj4"

File #2 is in 27700 and has the following crs:
            "type": "name",
                    "name": "EPSG:27700"

File #3 is identical to File #2 except for the crs which is
            "type": "link",
                "href": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/27700";,
                "type": "proj4"

File #1 and #2 load into QGIS and display as I would expect.

File #3 loads but does not display. While its properties shows an extent in BNG

xMin,yMin 476285.30,230902.30 : xMax,yMax 496530.40,256158.20

the layer spatial reference system shows:

+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs

I suspect what's going on is that the link type crs is ignored and QGIS 
defaults make it ok - but with the link crs in File #3 it goes kerplooie...

Any thoughts?

Much appreciated

Paul Cleverley
Software Developer, Hydrodynamics & Metocean

E: p.clever...@hrwallingford.com<mailto:p.clever...@hrwallingford.com>
T: +44 (0)1491 822483
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