Am 08.05.2015 um 22:55 schrieb JOE LEMONNIER:
I've download the OSM data from Vector>open street map> download
data. Then imported the topology from xml then exported to Spatialite
specifying poly lines. When do this for the span of lower Manhattan
in New York City, I get a beautiful set of map data that is
unfortunately missing quite a few major streets. Exporting as
polygons doesn't omit those streets from the map but I need the
center lines. Importing the .osm file directly gives the same results
of missing  streets. I've tried 4 times with same results.

What am I doing wrong

I can replicate your error. Maybe the data is just too big and crashes the importer. Unfortunately, you get no error message.

However, you can still use the downloaded .osm file which is complete.

As Anita suggests, you can use

ogr2ogr -f "SQLite" -dsco SPATIALITE=YES newyork.db ny.osm

or just drag and drop the .osm file into the legend, and select the lines for importing. This needs quite some time, and you should save the result to a shapefile for further use. Both methods use the GDAL osm driver, hence contain the same amount of data (both 53607 lines from my canvas extent instead of 37602 from the importer).

Using osm2pgsql, I get 59667 lines. Some incomplete multipolygon relation members are treated differently in GDAL and osm2pgsql.

André Joost

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