Am 09.05.2015 um 02:38 schrieb Noli Sicad:

Is this raster data?

I think you have georeferenced it.

It is not that easy. The data is raw data from a satellite flight. The HDF contains several subdatasets, including longitude and latitudes of every cell. Unfortunately, the cell coordinates are not equally spaced, and there is no CRS given.

The best result I get is transforming the longitude, latitude and aerosol subdatasets with gdal_transform to XYZ format, then stitch them together with LibreOffice Calc, and import them as delimited text.

It is possible to extract single bands with gdalwarp. This seems to work, but the GCP information inside the file is wrong. Longitudes are added by 180°, and the last line of GCP matches 0/0 to 0/0, which makes no sense to me.

Reading the data with python code inside a plugin might be an alternative.

André Joost

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