Thank you very much Nicolas for your response. I have no idea how to use use the -tr xres yres switch in gdalwarp. However, I solved the problem using GDAL's algorithm "Clip raster by mask layer" and by seting the option "Keep resolution of output raster" to "Yes". That produced a .tif file with equal pixel size (200, -200).

Following, I convert this GeoTIFF to .ASC format using: "Raster > Conversion > Translate (Convert format)" and the setting the Output file to [GDAL] Arc/Info ASCII Grid (*.asc *.ASC).

The result is three files: the auxiliary file .aux, the coordinate system file .prj, and one more filename of File type FILE that can be opened with Notepad. Disappointingly, no .asc file was created. What am I doing wrong? I need .asc files of my environmental variables to be later processed using other software.


El 5/20/2015 a las 6:02 AM, escribió:
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Today's Topics:

    1. Re: Error installing QGIS 2.8.2-1 on Mac (Jacopo Tonetti)
    2. Draw square or line and see meters (elmalle)
    3. Re: Error installing QGIS 2.8.2-1 on Mac (Jes?s)
    4. Re: Error installing QGIS 2.8.2-1 on Mac (William Kyngesburye)
    5. Why does clipping a raster alters cell size? (Luciano La Sala)
    6. Re: Why does clipping a raster alters cell size? (Nicolas Cadieux)
    7. How I create web gis through Qgis (Debajyoti Ghosh)
    8. Re: new issue with raster calculator (Bernd Vogelgesang)
    9. Re: How I create web gis through Qgis (McDonaldR)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 22:23:33 +0200
From: Jacopo Tonetti <>
To: Jes?s <>
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Error installing QGIS 2.8.2-1 on Mac
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi, seems that you have an older version of PROJ library. Did you download
the package or install via homebrew? I recommend the latter (but you should
use command line), I followed this
guide and everything is fine, same OS and version of QGIS.

2015-05-19 19:38 GMT+02:00 Jes?s <>:

Trying to install 2.8.2-1 on a Mac (10.9.5) I find this error:

Dyld Error Message:
   Library not loaded: /Library/Frameworks/PROJ.framework/Versions/4/PROJ
   Referenced from: /Applications/
   Reason: Incompatible library version: QGIS requires version 10.0.0 or
later, but PROJ provides version 8.0.0

Binary Images:
     0x7fff6810f000 -     0x7fff68142817  dyld (239.4)
<7AD43B9B-5CEA-3C7E-9836-A06909F9CA56> /usr/lib/dyld
     0x7fff8bc7f000 -     0x7fff8bc7ffff (48
48) <3E3F01A8-314D-378F-835E-9CC4F8820031>

     0x7fff8bc9f000 -     0x7fff8bd0bfff (2.0.1 -
907.100.14) <10932113-9F7E-38A0-A158-A019A555CAC3>
     0x7fff8dd59000 -     0x7fff8df3efff (6.9 -
855.17) <729BD6DA-1F63-3E72-A148-26F21EBF52BB>


I delete old version first but I can't open new version when finishing the
installation. I got this message: Qgis can't be open due to a problem.

Any idea? Thanks

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Luciano F. La Sala
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
Cátedra de Epidemiología
Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia
Universidad Nacional del Sur
San Juan 670
Bahía Blanca (8000)
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