On 19-08-15 12:42, Falk Huettmann wrote:
> Hi,
> in QGIS Vienna 2.8.2 I cannot get the style sheets to save and to load.
> I comprehend the general concept, 
> but it's not functioning (=nothing to save,
> nothing to load, names I gave are nowhere to find. Not for qml nor for sld).
> Would somebody be able to help me, and for how to track details to make it
> work?
> (I would like to repeat a classification scheme on a continuous column
> for many shapefiles using points without a pen/outline and a smaller size) 

Hi Falk,

with me after styling a shapefile in 2.8 I'm perfectly able to save that
style and load it again, can you be more explicit about your problem?

Note that it is also possible to copy/paste a style (via contextmenu
(rightclick) in the layermanager)

Note2: styling rules work with column names and take often the
value(ranges) into account. Your shape files do have the same column
names and value ranges in it?
IF you have shapefiles of different type, you could save the 'symbol'
instead of the style:


Hope this helps,


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