I have polygon data in a shapefile that is rendered instantly on the screen
when I zoom and pan. Now I want to use the more advanced capabilities of
SpatiaLite and I have loaded the data into a SpatiaLite database. Rendering
the SpatiaLite data on the screen is much slower. The polygons appear one
by one and refreshing the map takes several seconds. There are about 19.000
fairly simple polygons in the table, which should not be very demanding.  I
have tried loading the data into SpatiaLite both with the DB manager and
the SpatiaLite-GUI application with the same slow result.
I tried loading the same data into PostGIS on localhost and that is as
quick as the shapefile.
I have created a spatial index on the SpatiaLite table but that did not
improve the slow rendering.

What am I doing wrong?



Árni Geirsson
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