Hi all,

At the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA, 
www.nina.no<http://www.nina.no>) there is a vacant permanent position at our 
database-IT department in Trondheim with a special focus on FOSS GIS 
technology, because NINA is planning to take another step into that direction:


That means, the person to be employed would become a key person in building up 
that technology branch in our institute. Unfortunately, the deadline for 
applications expired even before it was properly announced. Therefore we would 
be still happy to receive further applications, though they will have to be 
send swiftly, I am afraid. A good CV and a short letter of application will be 
sufficient... A swift reply is more important than fancy layout or wording of 
your application...

About NINA:
NINA is a diverse research institute covering many different fields of nature 
research (in addition to biologists and ecologists we have economists, social 
scientists, veterinaries ...). NINA has a wide portfolio of projects, so our 
future employee will definitely not suffer from monotony. Being a foreigner 
here in Norway myself, I can warmly recommend NINA and Norway as a place to 
work, also in terms of wages and social security. Of course, nature here is 
fantastic and climate and light conditions are more pleasant than one might 
probably think from the outside ;-)...

We are looking forward to hearing from good candidates and are happy to answer 
questions about the position. Feel free to contact also me via mail or mobile 
+47 40 46 21 15, also during this weekend.

Kind regards,
Stefan Blumentrath
Qgis-user mailing list

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