On 11/18/2015 06:14 AM, Bernd Vogelgesang wrote:
> Hi,
> there once was a plug-in in the repository, that downloaded SRTM-DEM
> data for your canvas area.
> This was a quite convenient function. The "normal" way to find the
> websites, browse through clunky dialogs etc. and then download sth which
> then maybe has to be stitched together to be usable is not so nice.
> Does anyone has an idea where this plug-in came from and where it went
> to? Were there some legal issues, or hasn't it just been updated and got
> deprecated?
> I would really like to see such a function come back into QGIS,
> especially in combination with the QGIS2threejs-plug-in, it would give
> the opportunity to create quick 3D-visualizations of your area.
> Cheers
> Bernd

I can't think of a legal reason (the data is Public Domain), though you
do need to login to download from the USGS.

Did the plugin do 30m or 90m SRTM?

I have everything that's been released for 30m on my university servers,
just haven't gotten around to setting up the WCS on top of it. Once
that's done, a redo of such a plugin should be quite easy.

For 90m DEM there actually quite a few easily accessible variants of it
around the web that could be scripted against. Though I think you'd need
to use a tile index to pull the needed tiles, and then cut to canvas.


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