Hi QGISers.
I'm trying to work out how to display some geological data on map.
Table x;
location1 | zone1 | date1 | value1
location1 | zone1 | date2 | value2
continued with variations in location/zone etc..

spatial table
geometry Column | location1

I create a view in postgresql using the location as the common column.
However, when I try to display my data, zone2 is shown with value1 and I
can't work out how to get 2 values and 2 zones to display at a time.

All the data is there and shown correctly in the combined attributes table,
however labels don't show correctly.

Ideally I'd like to be able to create labels and views from within qgis
using functions (eg, for all zones in location1, what is the sum of the

I've only been at this a couple of hours this afternoon but thought I'd
check here in case there's a simpler solution than the one I'm heading

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