Thanks Nyall,

I try to understand your procedure, but…:

line3: “save as…”: Before doing that, I already need a geometry defined, a 
proces you describe later i the process. I don’t get it.
line 4: "- expand out the "Geometry” group…”  This is an option from the “load 
csv layer”, not from “save layer as (shape)”
line 8: change field to <geom>: which field?  I lost you there completely. 

> Op 7 jan. 2016, om 02:47 heeft Nyall Dawson <> het 
> volgende geschreven:
> On 7 January 2016 at 07:08, Joris Hintjens <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I’m lost.
>> I have a list of movements. A table with (among others) a column “FROM”  and 
>> a column “TO” (both containing coordinates)
>> How can I import this in QGIS so that I have a bunch of lines going from 
>> FROM to TO?
> This is relatively straightforward in QGIS master:
> 1- import your CSV file
> 2- right click the CSV layer, and choose "Save as"
> 3- change format to "ESRI Shapefile". Choose the correct CRS for your
> coordinates.
> 4- expand out the "Geometry" group and change "Geometry type" from
> "Automatic" to "LineString"
> 5- click OK, the new LineString shapefile (with all null geometries)
> will be added to the project
> 6- now, you need to create the geometries. This is done through the
> field calculator.
> 7- tick "update existing field"
> 8- change the field to "<geometry>"
> 9- enter the expression:
> 'make_line(make_point("x1","y1"),make_point("x2","y2"))' (but replace
> x1, y1, ... with the correct columns names from your original CSV
> file)
> 10- click OK. Done!
> Nyall
>> thanks for your comments
>> Joris
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