spatialite_gui 1.8.0 devel
QGIS 2.12.2-Lyon

For work I am doing in developing a model of coastal flooding, I use
spatialite as the underlying data store for the location and attributes of
structures in a coastal region.

In my spatialite database, I have a table with geometry (Assets), and a
related table with attributes (StructureAssets) but no geometry.   I make a
spatial join via the query/view composer, joining the geometry and
attributes into a spatial view.   I can use this view as a data source in
QGIS, it plots perfectly.   However, when I attempt to select by a
rectangle on the view, the selected points are all over the place, not in
the drawn rectangle.  If I export the view via the spatialite gui as a
shapefile, then selection on the shape file based on the view is fine.
When I create a table in spatialite from the view, and import that table
into QGIS, it shows the same selection behavior as the view, i.e. no good.

Any ideas or thoughts for further testing will be welcome.
Thanks in advance.

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