I would like to perturb all the point locations on a layer by a random
amount within a range,  from say 100 feet to 500 feet.   Each point should
be individually perturbed with different values for the x and y, but the
overall perturbation range will be the same for the layer.   The purpose is
to obfuscate actual locations in a data set.

I have not been able to locate anything that will do this.  I can use the
Update All capabilities on the attribute table to get values for an
attribute, e.g. attribute_x = $x+randf(100.0,500.0) but I am not clear on
how to push this back to the actual x coordinate of the point.

Any suggestions, including python scripting, plugins, or other approaches,
will be welcome.

Thanks in advance.

Dick Males
Cincinnati, OH USA
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