Hi Brent,

not sure if I uttered that before, so (if I did) my apologies for repeating myself. If you are entirely on PostgreSQL you may try my Plugin DataDrivenInputMask [1]. If you have properly defined foreign keys you can
1) see the species caught in one station in a list [2]
2) search for (and thus select) stations where certain species have been caught
I assume
a) a station table with pk field station_pk
b) a species table with pk field species_pk
c) a relation table with a combined pk = station_pk + species_pk, where station_pk is a fk on station.station_pk and species_pk is a fk on species.species_pk

Regarding symbology you may filter your station layer like that:
station_pk IN (SELECT station_pk FROM relation_table where species_pk = some_value) You would need to load your station layer several times and filter each of them on one (or several) species for symbolization.

Another way would be to use PostgreSQL's crosstab extension and create a view for symbolization only which would list all the species in one dataset like that
station_pk, geom, station_name, species_1, species_2,...,species_n
You could then classify on the combinations


[1] http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/DataDrivenInputMask/
[2] https://github.com/bstroebl/DataDrivenInputMask/wiki/Widgets-for-n-2-m-Relations

Am 24.02.2016 um 02:16 schrieb Brent Wood:
Firstly, thanks to those who already helped me with this.
I have established a relation between non-spatial catch records in a postgis 
table and a table of station information (linked via foreign key).
If I click on a station with the info tool, I can see the various catch records 
from that station - so the relation is working.
But that seems to be it. If I filter on the species in the catch, that only 
applies to the catch data showing up when I select a station - it does NOT hide 
stations where that species was not caught. I cannot change symbology based on 
a relation, I cannot select features based on a relation - all I can do is view 
the records - and with 70 fields in the station layer, the catch records are 
just a small window at the bottom of the form.
It seems that to be useful I need to create the view or table in the database & 
access this with QGIS - whioch has issues for users without create access in the 
database - which is most of them.
Is work on this area (relations) of QGIS actively ongoing, or should I look for 
non-QGIS approaches?
   Brent Wood

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Firstly, thanks to those who already helped me with this.

I have established a relation between non-spatial catch records in a
postgis table and a table of station information (linked via foreign key).

If I click on a station with the info tool, I can see the various catch
records from that station - so the relation is working.

But that seems to be it. If I filter on the species in the catch, that
only applies to the catch data showing up when I select a station - it
does NOT hide stations where that species was not caught. I cannot
change symbology based on a relation, I cannot select features based on
a relation - all I can do is view the records - and with 70 fields in
the station layer, the catch records are just a small window at the
bottom of the form.

It seems that to be useful I need to create the view or table in the
database & access this with QGIS - whioch has issues for users without
create access in the database - which is most of them.

Is work on this area (relations) of QGIS actively ongoing, or should I
look for non-QGIS approaches?


   Brent Wood

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