Am 02.03.2016 um 13:35 schrieb Thomas Williamson:
Hello all,

I'm working with QGIS 2.14 and LinuxMint.

I'm having difficulties running the Heatmaps plugin with the following
issue: the output format field is empty (the drop-down list is empty). I
found some help on this topic in this post

The problem could come from this difference in Help > About window (see
attached screenshot):

    - Compiled against GDAL/OGR : 1.10.1
    - Running against GDAL/OGR : 1.11.2

I have completely removed QGIS and dependencies, and reinstalled it
completely but the problem is still there. How could I make GDAL/OGR
compiled and running versions identical?

As I'm quite new to Linux world, I would really appreciate a little help on
how to achieve that with command lines.

I'm not sure what repository you used, but my version of QGIS 2.14 on Linux Mint is compiled against and running with GDAL 1.11.2. I used the ubuntugis trusty main repo, with the ubuntugis unstable ppa.

It might help to remove GDAL and QGIS, do "sudo apt-get clean" to clear the cache, and reinstall with ubuntugis dependencies.

BTW the windows version of QGIS 2.14 already uses GDAL 2.0.2.

André Joost

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