Hi Hanlie

glad you are learning OpenGeo

I would ask you more info about the problem

OpenGeo Suite version
webappbuilder plugin version (from plugin manager)
processing plugin version (from plugin manager)

Luigi Pirelli

* Boundless QGIS Support/Development: lpirelli AT boundlessgeo DOT com
* LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luigipirelli
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* Mastering QGIS:

On 4 March 2016 at 13:29, Hanlie Pretorius <hanlie.pretor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on Windows 8.1.
> I have downloaded and installed QGIS for OpenGeo and the webappbuilder
> plugin fails to load with the following error:
> Couldn't load plugin webappbuilder due to an error when calling its
> classFactory() method"
> All the information I could find on the web about this error have not
> helped me.
> In the Plugin Manager the Uninstall plugin and Reinstall plugin
> buttons are disabled. It shows a message:
> This plugin is broken
> cannot import name show_message_log
> I have uninstalled and reinstalled OpenGeo QGIS several times but it
> makes no difference.
> Does someone know how to fix this plugin? I would really like to use
> it to start learning how to use OpenGeo.
> Thanks
> Hanlie
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