I  have a georeferenced soil Map. I did the georeferencing in Qgis using
EPSG 26714 as the CRS. I have the following issue. When I load the image in
2.14 the project is set to EPSG 4326. When I load it in 2.8X the project is
set to 26714. I have tested this behavior in two different machines using
win 10 64 bits. In both machines I have the same behavior in the same Qgis
versions. CRS Options for both qgis versions are the same:

Default CRS for new projects: Automatically enable on the fly reprojection
if layers have different CRS
CRS for new layers: Use layer CRS

I have tested also changing from use layer CRS to prompt for CRS. When I do
this, On the fly transformation is activated as if by dafault project must
be in 4326.

The only work around in 2.14 is to select the layer right click and choose
set CRS from layer. This makes the project to be set at 26714.

I was use to load my image and that the project was automatically set to
the image CRS. Any one have the same problem? Any one can tell me what
potentially I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance


Gerardo Jiménez Delgado
Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Ciudad Universitaria s/n, Coyoacan 04510
México City,México
tel. 56 22 95 16
fax. 56 22 96 51
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