Le dimanche 10 avril 2016 15:14:00, justin bonar a écrit :
> Hello,
> I would like to create geo-referenced RNC files (.KAP or .BSB) from image
> taken from earth.nullschool.net.
> Can someone advise how I would do this?


Assuming you're not afraid of self compiling and some tiny source code 

GDAL has code for write support for BSB, but this is disabled in standard 
builds because of a patent claim on write support.

Some background on this in GDAL's frmts/bsb/bsb_read.c 

If you think you're fine with that, it's nevertheless possible to enable write 
support by uncommenting the //#define BSB_CREATE line at beginning of 
frmts/bsb/bsbdataset.cpp and re-compiling.

Note: you need to use the latest checkout of GDAL trunk since I've just tried 
the above and fixed a couple compilation issues. It may also be not completely 
functional, being disabled by default and little used.

There's also http://libbsb.sourceforge.net/ that might perhaps be used. Not 
sure if it handles georeferencing however.


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