
This is known as . I'm currently working on 
a fix for that.

As a workaround (not necessarily practical), you can try setting the .tab, 
.dat, .map and .id files to be read-only in the Explorer


> Hi everybody
> I have encountered a problem with QGIS and MapInfo coexistence.
> I have no problems opening the same MapInfo tab file (native mapinfo 7.8
> format) from 2 pc's running either QGIS 2.14.1 or Mapinfo 12.0.3. at the
> same time.
> If I style the Mapinfo layer in QGIS 2.14.1, categorized from values in a
> column, then MapInfo cannot open the table, or using the info button in an
> already opened table and sends an error :
> Translated from Danish is says: Cannot acces the xxx.DAT for reading. Check
> that the file is not opened from another program.
> Closing QGIS I can again access the file from Mapinfo.
> Anybody has a workaround from that!
> It makes sharing the same data impossible between QGIS 2.14.1 and MapInfo
> users.
> NB! No such problems with QGIS 2.8.5 and MapInfo 12.0.3
> Tecnical details
> PC1 Win8.1 64bit, QGIS 2.14.1 64bit,  MapInfo 12.0.3 32bit
> PC2 ditto
> PC3 Win7 32bit - QGIS 2.8.5 32 bit, MapInfo 12.0.3 32bit
> Regards
> Claus Sørensen
> Viborg Kommune,
> Denmark

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