Indeed it works! I would never have thought to this solution.

Thank you very much!

2016-05-08 21:59 GMT+02:00 Andrew McAninch [via] <>:

> If you want to fix it you can edit the grass module config file to get the
> correct input.  The file to edit should be:
> ~\.qgis2\python\plugins\processing\algs\grass7\description\r.water.outlet.txt.
> In the text file you'll see the two parameters for easting and northing:
> ParameterNumber|easting|Easting coordinate of outlet point|None|None|0
> ParameterNumber|northing|Northing coordinate of outlet point|None|None|0
> If you replace those 2 lines with this line:
> ParameterString|coordinates|Coordinates of outlet point|0,0
> and restart QGIS you should be able to run the tool.
> On Sun, May 8, 2016 at 12:22 PM, Guillaume.Katarn <[hidden email]
> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=5265252&i=0>> wrote:
>> Indeed it seems that the problem comes from a mixup between GRASS 6.4
>> and GRASS 7 in the Processing setup according to the requested inputs. Do
>> you know a way to correct it or its depends on an update from the
>> developers?
>> I will try to do it directly in GRASS as you recommended.
>> Thank you for you answer.
>> 2016-05-08 11:37 GMT+02:00 Micha Silver [via] <[hidden email]
>> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=5265247&i=0>>:
>>> I can see two problems in the error output  below:
>>> On 07/05/2016 12:38, Guillaume.Katarn wrote:
>>> ------ Original Message ------
>>> Subject: [Qgis-user] GRASS7 r.water.outlet returns error in QGIS 2.14.2
>>> Date: Sat, 7 May 2016 02:38:08 -0700 (PDT)
>>> To: Qgis-user
>>> From: Guillaume Katarn
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I am a new user of GIS software and I am currently facing an issue with the
>>> GRASS7 tool r.water.outlet. I precise that I am beginning with both Linux
>>> and GIS. I use Ubuntu 14.04 with QGIS 2.14.2 and GRASS7.0.3.
>>> I downloaded and installed the software by following the instructions of the
>>> official QGIS webpage:
>>> I use GRASS7 r.watershed to create a "Drainage" raster that I use as an
>>> input for r.water.outlet. The second input is coordinate of vectorial points
>>> I want to delineate my basins (it could be even better if I could use
>>> several points to do so because I need 5 different basins).
>>> This is my r.water.outlet interface:
>>> <>
>>> <>
>>> First things I noticed: I can't enter decimal numbers, so I lose accuracy
>>> regarding to my points, and the interface is different from the one in the
>>> second image for the tool r.water.outlet regarding the inputs for my version
>>> of QGIS.
>>> <> 
>>> <>
>>> Then when I run the process (In my QGIS 2.14.2, the processing plugin
>>> version is 2.12.2), I obtain the log:
>>> [code]Démarrage de l'algorithme r.water.outlet - Watershed basin creation
>>> program. ... g.proj -c proj4="+proj=lcc +lat_1=44.1 +lat_0=44.1
>>> +lon_0=2.337229166666667 +k_0=0.999877499 +x_0=600000 +y_0=3200000
>>> +a=6378249.2 +b=6356514.999904194 +units=m +no_defs" r.external
>>> input="/home/kyle/Bureau/ERM/Data_ERM/GISProjectFolder/Rasters/Drainage_Direction_Watershed.tif"
>>> band=1 output=tmp1462467882073 --overwrite -o g.region -a n=1959000.0
>>> s=1843500.0 e=1038600.0 w=923100.0 res=300 r.water.outlet
>>> input=tmp1462467882073 easting="989927" northing="1891138"
>>> output=output881924edb38d42189f35bcf5166a0da3 --overwrite g.region
>>> raster=output881924edb38d42189f35bcf5166a0da3 r.out.gdal -c
>>> createopt="TFW=YES,COMPRESS=LZW"
>>> input=output881924edb38d42189f35bcf5166a0da3
>>> output="/home/kyle/Bureau/ERM/Data_ERM/GISProjectFolder/test_water_outlet.tif"
>>> Démarrage du SIG GRASS ... Exécution de
>>> '/home/kyle/.qgis2//processing/' ... ATTENTION: Datum non
>>> reconnu par GRASS et aucuns paramètres trouvés Default region was updated
>>> to the new projection, but if you have multiple mapsets g.region -d should
>>> be run in each to update the region from the default Projection information
>>> updated ATTENTION: Datum non reconnu par GRASS et aucuns paramètres
>>> trouvés ATTENTION: Over-riding projection check Reading band 1 of 1...
>>> Here you are importing a raster "Drainage_Direction_Watershed.tif", but
>>> it seems that the tif file dows not have a proper coordinate system
>>> definition. New users often get tripped by this. In GRASS you should always
>>> use input data with the coordinate system correctly defined.
>>> r.external terminé. Link to raster map created. Description: Creates
>>> watershed basins from a drainage direction map. Keywords: raster, hydrology,
>>> watershed Usage: r.water.outlet input=name output=name
>>> coordinates=east,north [--overwrite] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]
>>> Here's the real problem. In The new version of r.water.outlet you
>>> specify the input coordinates as:
>>> coordinates=<east>,<north>
>>> But above in the command created by the processing interface if has
>>> created the command with the old format:
>>> easting=<...> northing=<...>
>>> Maybe there is still some mixup between GRASS 6.4 and GRASS 7 in the
>>> Processing setup??
>>> You will be able to easily overcome this if you switch to GRASS and
>>> enter the commands yourself.
>>> Additionally, I would point out that there's a nice set of GRASS addons:
>>>* that offer extended capabilities for watershed analysis. For
>>> example the addon module can take a point vector map as
>>> input drainage points. THen you get basins for all the drainage points in
>>> one go.
>>> Flags: --o Autoriser la sortie à écraser les fichiers existants --h
>>> Afficher le résumé d'utilisation --v Sortie du module en mode bavard --q
>>> Sortie du module en mode silence --ui Force launching GUI dialog Parameters:
>>> input Name of input drainage direction map output Name for output watershed
>>> basin map coordinates Coordinates of outlet point ERROR: r.water.outlet:
>>> Sorry, is not a valid parameter ERROR: r.water.outlet: Sorry, is not a valid
>>> parameter ERROR: Required parameter not set: (Coordinates of outlet point)
>>> ERREUR :Couche raster non trouvée ERREUR :Raster map or group not found
>>> Exécution de '/home/kyle/.qgis2//processing/' terminée.
>>> Nettoyage des fichiers temporaires ... Converting outputs Charger les
>>> couches de résultat The following layers were not correctly generated. Basin
>>> You can check the log messages to find more information about the execution
>>> of the algorithm[/code]
>>> Does anyone have an idea of what could be the problem? If you need further
>>> information, do not hesitate to ask me.
>>> Thank you for your understanding,
>>> Guillaume
>>> --
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>>> Micha Silver
>>> Arava Drainage Authority
>>> +972-523-665918
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>>> NAML
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