Hi all,

The videos of the 2nd International QGIS Conference held in Girona on May, are already available online [1]. In the upcoming days all those videos will be posted on our vimeo channel, where you can also find all the registered videos (in Spanish) of the previous Spanish FOSS4G conferences [2].

[1] http://diobma.udg.edu/handle/10256.1/4268/browse
[2] https://vimeo.com/sigteudg/albums

All the best,
Lluís Vicens

*Local Organizing Committee*
10as Jornadas de SIG Libre
2nd International QGIS User and Developer Conference
Pl. Ferrater Mora 1
17071 Girona
infojorna...@sigte.org <mailto:infojorna...@sigte.org>

Web site: http://www.sigte.udg.edu/jornadassiglibre/en/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/SIGLibreGirona

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