Hi Stefan, 

We are of course Swisstopo customers. But their newest images in our
area are from 2013 ;-( 

Our agricultural department is looking for newer aerial images/satellite
images from 2015 or 2016. They'd like a spatial resolution of 1m or even
smaller - if possible. 

The Pleiades satellite seems to provide fairly up-to-date and high-res

Does someone know if MapBox or PlanetLabs provide a web service that can
be legally consumed within QGIS? It would have the advantage that they
have seamless coverage at farily high resolutions. 

I'll do more research. 



On 2016-07-05 11:53, Stefan Ziegler wrote:

> Swisstopo WMTS and WMS? Is the data not recent enough? 
> Did you have a look at all these satellite data companies like digital globe 
> etc.?
> Regards 
> Stefan
> Sent using CloudMagic Email [1] 
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 11:46 AM, Neumann, Andreas <a.neum...@carto.net> wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> My employer (Switzerland) is interested in an online image service 
>> (satellite or aerial images) that we can legally use to derive data from, 
>> e.g. in QGIS. It is important that the data is up-to-date (not older than 
>> 1.5-2 years or so). 
>> The "Quick map services" plugin provides data from Google, Mapbox, ESRI, 
>> etc. - but as far as I understand we can't use it, because it is illegal to 
>> use. Does someone know a similar service to Google, Mapbox or ESRI ArcGIS 
>> Online that we can legally use from within QGIS - of course we are willing 
>> to pay for it. 
>> Thank you for any hints you may have. 
>> Andreas


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