On Tue, 9 Aug 2016 07:50:13 -0700 (PDT)
Nicolas Cadieux <nicolas.cadi...@archeotec.ca> wrote:

> Hi, 
> I cannot answer your question directly but u can offer my grain of
> salt.&nbsp; Generally, the correct version of numpy should be
> Installed with Qgis. However, if you have an other version of Python
> installed on your machine (like Anaconda), the plugins and Qgis could
> look at that if the Linux environment considers that second install
> as the main default Python package.&nbsp; Make sure this is not an
> environment variable thing. As this is Linux, I have limited
> experience with this problem but I have seen it in Windows. Hope this
> help! Nicolas On Aug 8, 2016 3:34 AM, &quot;h [via OSGeo.org]&quot;
> &lt;ml-node+s1560n5279854...@n6.nabble.com&gt; wrote: 

Hi Nicolas,
many thanks.  Yes, I think QGis for Windows installs its own Python
stuff.  But my recollection is that on Linux it uses what is on the
system - 

Thanks again

>       Hi,
> I am running &#39;latest and greatest&#39; opensuse linux, and the
> related packages, including QGIS 2.16.1, on a x64 machine.
> I am having trouble with some plugins (profile tool being the one I
> care about today) but I get the following error quite frequently:
> RuntimeError: module compiled against API version 0xa but this version
> of numpy is 0x9
> I have opened a python shell, and &#34;Print(numpy.__version)&#34;
> gives me 1.8.0.  I believe this is the current version distributed
> with OpenSuse.  I also believe the current version of numpy is 1.11.1.
> Can someone explain what numpy versions of 0xa and 0x9 in the qgis
> error message mean? (hex values of decimal 10 and 9, I know but how
> this relates to my version of 1.8.0 I don&#39;t know)
> Should I &#39;just&#39; install the latest version of numpy from
> http://www.numpy.org/  or are there some &#39;gotchas&#39; I should
> be careful of...
> With thanks
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