
The Expressions Plus plugin is there for sharing expressions that are of
broader interest but for whatever reason did not make it (yet) to core [1]

Would be great to push there whatever is interesting so we don't have to
install a bazillion different plugins.


[1] https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/qgsexpressionsplus/

On 19/10/16 21:42, DelazJ wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thank you all for your answers. This is really a great community! I
> already knew that but let me say it loudly. It also shows all the
> capabilities of QGIS to solve a problem.
> Nicolas, as Andreas said, I'm looking for something dynamic, live. 
> The virtual layer can indeed be an option despite the creation of an
> intermediate but somehow live layer. Would be nice to have Andreas
> questions documented in the user manual so that users are fully aware
> of any potential limitations of the feature or its great power.
> Another powerful feature I often neglect is the function editor. Maybe
> because there are so many functions in the list that I end up thinking
> that their combination would be enough. I think it's the way I will go
> as no intermediate layer is involved and despite your remarks (which
> are not far from Andreas questions about virtual layers). Thank you
> Germán for reminding me. 
> That makes me wonder: we have in QGIS, ways to share processing
> scripts and models, to share symbols, styles... What about something
> to share custom expression functions? Plugins somehow already do that
> but I think there are many people that have an operational code (that
> fills some small and common needs like mine) but don't have
> time/skills to create the Gui around. Does it sound
> reasonable/feasible? Maybe should I open a discussion in dev list (or
> a ticket)?
> Back to the approach I was following to solve the issue (combining
> default functions in expression) may I understand that it was endless?
> No way to group by when using aggregate function...?
> Greetings,
> Harrissou
> Envoyé depuis mon HTC
> ----- Reply message -----
> De : "Germán Carrillo" <carrillo.ger...@gmail.com
> <mailto:carrillo.ger...@gmail.com>>
> Pour : "Neumann, Andreas" <a.neum...@carto.net
> <mailto:a.neum...@carto.net>>, "Harrissou 'DelazJ'" <del...@gmail.com
> <mailto:del...@gmail.com>>
> Cc : "Nathan Woodrow" <madman...@gmail.com
> <mailto:madman...@gmail.com>>, "qgis-user" <qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
> <mailto:qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org>>, "Nicolas Cadieux"
> <nicolas.cadi...@archeotec.ca <mailto:nicolas.cadi...@archeotec.ca>>
> Objet : [Qgis-user] Using aggregates functions to count intersected
> features from another layer
> Date : mer., oct. 19, 2016 18:04
> Hi All, 
> Harrissou, have a look at [1] for a very similar question and one
> possible solution using the Function Editor (of course, instead of sum
> you would use count).
> Do you other devs find that approach useful? Any hint for keeping the
> index up-to-date?
> Is there any interest in having this kind of functions available for
> QGIS expressions? I could help with that.
> Regards, 
> Germán
> --
> [1] http://gis.stackexchange.com/a/212762/4972
> <http://gis.stackexchange.com/a/212762/4972>
> 2016-10-19 7:42 GMT-05:00 Neumann, Andreas <a.neum...@carto.net
> <mailto:a.neum...@carto.net>>:
>     Good idea to use a virtual layer for that! It is probably also
>     more efficient than a QGIS expression.
>     Just to understand the virtual layers correctly:
>     when is the query behind the virtual layer executed?
>     - at every redraw?
>     - once at creation?
>     - at project reload?
>     Aren't the virtual layers automatically updated, at least when the
>     project reloads?
>     Are the results cached or not?
>     Would also make sense to add a "update" option for a virtual
>     layer, if that doesn't exist yet.
>     Greetings,
>     Andreas
>     On 2016-10-19 14:32, Nathan Woodrow wrote:
>>     Maybe using a virtual layer query via DB Manager will work.  You
>>     have full SQL join support. Speed isn't always the best but gives
>>     you the full power of SQL which is the correct way to do this IMO.
>>     E.g SELECT LayerA.id, COUNT(*) FROM layerA 
>>     JOIN layerB ON ST_WithIn(layerA.geometry, layerB.geometry)
>>     GROUP BY layerA.type
>>     Although you can't do an update but you can make a new layer with
>>     the new counts.
>>     - Nathan
>>     On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 10:22 PM, Neumann, Andreas
>>     <a.neum...@carto.net <mailto:a.neum...@carto.net>> wrote:
>>         Well yes - but that is not a "live" point in polygon. It
>>         create separate layers which need to be kept up-to-date.
>>         Harrissou was after a "live" point in polygon, which is
>>         automatically kept up-to-date through a QGIS expression.
>>         Maybe Nyall knows how to write the correct aggregate
>>         expression for that?
>>         Greetings,
>>         Andreas
>>         On 2016-10-19 14:11, Nicolas Cadieux wrote:
>>             Try this.
>>             http://www.qgistutorials.com/fr/docs/points_in_polygon.html
>>             <http://www.qgistutorials.com/fr/docs/points_in_polygon.html>
>>             Nicolas
>>             Le 19 oct. 2016 à 06:37, DelazJ [via OSGeo.org
>>             <http://OSGeo.org>] <[hidden email]> a écrit :
>>                 Hi,
>>                 I have a polygon layer and a point one.
>>                 I'd like to calculate for each polygon feature, the
>>                 number of points that it covers. I thought the
>>                 aggregates functions could help me find an easier and
>>                 straight expression to perform this (without creating
>>                 intermediate layers) but I fail to find any correct
>>                 syntax.
>>                 I tried aggregate ('mypoint', 'count', "id",
>>                 intersects ($geometry, geometry($currentfeature)))
>>                  And many variants of the fourth option but It always
>>                 return the total of points or an error. Actually this
>>                 option is a filter and I wonder if i'm not missing a
>>                 "group by" option in the aggregate function (which
>>                 seems to be the appropriate one in my case). Is it
>>                 possible?
>>                 The work around I found is to populate an ad'hoc
>>                 field in the point layer with overlapping polygon id,
>>                 thanks to the SpatialJoin plugin, then I create a
>>                 one-to-many relation in the project between the two
>>                 layers in other to use relation_aggregate function.
>>                 But I expected something more direct.
>>                 Any hint, please?
>>                 Thanks,
>>                 Harrissou
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