I am not totally clear on exactly how you want it to work so this may or
may not be helpful. I have something similar set up using the refFunctions
plugin you mentioned.  I believe that the layers need to be in the same CRS
for the reference functions.

If you want to simply add a field with names to a set of existing points
then you can use the field calculator and enter something like:
geomintersects('Layer B','name_field')

You can also set QGIS to calculate this for new features you digitize.  Add
a new field to Layer A and In the field properties set the default value to
the above formula.

Finally, if you need it to work with layers in different CRS and are
feeling pythonically adventurous I think it'd be pretty straightforward to
make a custom function to do it  Just copy the refFunctions
geomintersects() code into the function editor and add a bit to do a CRS
transformation on the feature.


On Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 3:03 PM, Laurent Bourlet <laurentbourle...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hi at all
> I'm a beginner in Qgis and i would make a dynamic spatialjoin.
> In fact , i have created a vector layer ( for example  A) and i grab
> points in it when I'm outdoor ( these points are buildings unknowned by the
> government and so these building are not taxed ...) . I have also a layer
> (B) with the name of the owners of these lands .
> You see what i would ?...
> I would have these names transferred as attribut from B to A .
> For that , i think about a spatialjoin with a dynamic feature . So i have
> downloaded the two plugins "reffunction" and "spatialjoin".
> But i have certainly maked something wrong because i don't succeed ...
> Is it the good method ?
> And If yes , and if exist a doc about these plugins ...i'll take it :-))
> regards
> Laurent
> ( pour les francophones ...je repère et saisis des points représentants
> des batiments construits et visibles par Google Map mais inconnus par le
> cadastre et donc les impôts ...je voudrais donc enrichir la couche de
> saisie par les références des parcelles et les noms des propriétaires par
> une jointure spatiale dynamique ..à chaque point saisi , "monte" cette
> référence )
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