Hi Nyall, 

There is a little bit of overlap of people involved, but it is mostly
different people. But they will build upon the experience made in the
qWat/QGEP projects. And I hope they can also contribute back to the core

One technique they will try to use is the new QGIS project generator
that Matthias is currently developing - a tool that can generate a QGIS
project based on a configuration with YAML files and a data model out of
a PostgreSQL database. Still early days for this development - but
hopefully it will be a success. The idea is to save parts of the tedious
work, such as setting up relations, constraints, etc. Stuff that is
already defined in the database / data model. Probably a topic to
discuss at the next dev meeting. 


On 2017-01-09 01:21, Nyall Dawson wrote:

> On 6 January 2017 at 06:31, Andreas Neumann <a.neum...@carto.net> wrote: 
>> In fact, a swiss company is starting to work on a solution for managing
>> cadastral data in colombia, on top of QGIS and Postgis - but it is at the
>> very beginning. If you want to join that effort, I can put you in touch.
> Would I be right in guessing that this is modeled after the QWAT/QGEP
> projects? If so, it sounds great. Lots of fantastic stuff has flowed
> into QGIS upstream as a result of QWAT/QGEP.
> Nyall

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