(I'm double posting as this problem is somewhere between GDAL and QGIS.)

I have converted an ECW compressed aerial photo to geotiff with JPEG compression on a Windows computer with gdal_translate. The resulting tif image displays fine with QGIS on the Windows machine.  GDAL version 2.1.3 on the Windows computer, and QGIS 2.18.4
My command was similar to:
gdal_translate -of GTiff -projwin ..... -co TILED=YES -co TFW=YES -co COMPRESS=JPEG -co PHOTOMETRIC=YCBCR in.ecw out.tif

I then copy the tif (and tfw) to my Linux machine, and try to open with QGIS, but QGIS crashes immediately.
I should note that gdalinfo shows full information on both the Windows and Linux systems. On the Linux computer GDAL is 2.1.2 and QGIS is 2.18.4 .

Any ideas what could be the cause of QGIS crashing with the gdal_translate converted tif image? Is there something that needs to be done on windows to create a Linux usable geotiff??

Micha Silver
cell: +972-523-665918

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