Hi Martin,

Sorry, I cannot really help you.

Your data seems to be in the (quite odd for distributing data) projection:

And it is not recognized by qgis.

Proj4 seems to know it though:

And I found this:

Hope it helps (a bit),

On 19-03-17 20:49, Martin wrote:
Hello folks!

I would like to plot a simple map of the WWF World Grassland Types (the
shape file is available at

It is in an unusual projection. The .prj file is:


The map does not include the outline countries of the world and
therefore I would like to add these (perhaps the NaturalEarth 110
million scale country shape file, which is in WGS84).

However, I cannot figure out how to align the grassland layer and the
110 million NaturalEarth layer. As I understand it, I should use Save As
to reproject the grassland shape file with a new CRS (perhaps Mercator).
With Enable on the fly CRS transformation enabled I should then be able
to put the two shape files together - but I am darned if I can obtain
anything sensible: I cannot get the two layers to align in any way.

With grateful thanks for  any help, Martin

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