It Looks like Python support has been dropped after the crash. It might be necessary to re-install Python or QGIS, depending on your OS.

André Joost

Am 06.05.2017 um 20:33 schrieb Velizar Strumberger:
I am in the middle of a project and my QGIS 2.18.1 crashed when I try to
start it. In the task manager I notice several applications qgis.db that
were running. I had to hard reset my PC.  When I started QGIS once again I
noticed that in the Menu Toolbar: Processing and  WEB were missing. The
Vector and Raster menus were almost empty. For Vector only Open Street Map
remained and for Rater the Raster Calculator and Align Raster. I
uninstalled QGIS, deleted .qgis2, cleaned my registry (CCleaner) and
installed QGIS 2.18.7. The result was the same: no Vector or Raster
functions except the mentioned. However I did notice that the Decoration I
used before QGIS crash remained active (Scale Bar and Arrow).
What am I doing wrong. Please help.

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