Hi Lukas!

Good to hear that I am not alone anymore.
Drop me a note with your github username to get write access to the repository.
Would be nice to follow the path - and even more - to combine every
function into one plugin.

I am already thinking about implementing another graphical library
since PyQwt is more or less dead :( ..
But vispy somehow seems to be "not ready" yet .. we'll see.
With Qt5 PyQwt must be dropped anyway .. and matplotlib is incredible slow..

But lets discuss that once we are on porting.


On Sun, May 7, 2017 at 6:17 PM, Lukas Winiwarter
<lukas.winiwar...@geo.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:
> Hi Werner,
> it seems to me the best option would be to join your fork - I'll gladly
> accept your invitation. I'll take some looks at the source code of both
> Etienne's and your repo tomorrow. Also, I might be able to help with the
> migration to QGIS3, depending on the projects I'll have at that time. But
> it's definetely something I'd like to do.
> @Richard, Etienne: In my opinion it would make sense to have a single plugin
> covering your, Werner's and my work - would you be willing to pull the
> updated version for QGIS3, once finished, or arrange some other common repo
> for QGIS3?
> Best regards,
> Lukas
> Am 06.05.2017 um 11:02 schrieb Werner Macho:
>> Hi Lukas,
>> A few days (well, to be honest I think it's actually years) I forked the
>> Valuetool to extend it with the ability to display temporal structured
>> raster data values.
>> I try to maintain my version of "Valuetool" as good as I can (though I
>> now have to finish my thesis about this topic before going back to
>> actually work on it again).
>> An update/upgrade for QGIS 3.0 is definitely planned.
>> So if you like to work on it (and probably migrate your patch over to my
>> version) you can take a look at
>> https://github.com/mach0/mutant
>> You are more than welcome to join. If everything works good I am going
>> to start porting to QGIS 3.0 with July 2017.
>> Please give it a try .. and please report errors or malfunctions ;)
>> (For better communications I would be in vienna at least once a month)
>> kind regards
>> Werner
>> On 05/05/17 17:05, Lukas Winiwarter wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have just implemented a bilinear interpolation as an addition to the
>>> very good Value Tool-Plugin for raster data and wanted to contact the
>>> authors to arrange for a possible pull request.
>>> Unfortunately, the links given at
>>> http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/valuetool/ are dead - does anybody know
>>> how to contribute/contact the authors/maintainer?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Lukas
> --
> Lukas Winiwarter                        TU Wien,
> Stud. Ass.                              Department of Geodesy and
> Tel: +43-(0)1-58801-12246               Geoinformation (E120),
> Fax: +43-(0)1-58801-912246              Research Group Photogrammetry
> Email: lukas.winiwar...@tuwien.ac.at    Gußhausstraße 27-29
> http://photo.geo.tuwien.ac.at/          1040 Vienna, Austria
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