Responding to myself, I found this processing script in the script

It does almost what I had in mind. Its presence indicates that indeed some
Python scripting is necessary.

I may give it a try. Unlike above, I would probably try to avoid using the
composer and just go for the straight maprenderer as in the map rendering
cookbook example:

I wonder if it will be necessary to clone the mapcanvas maprendercontext to
preserve current settings ?

The main idea is to use the rasterized, styled vector layer as a
georeferenced image outside of QGis.


On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 2:19 PM, Andreas Plesch <>

> I feel I am missing a basic function somewhere to "burn" (in gdal terms) a
> vector layer as styled by QGIS, for example with labels, to a raster layer
> (of some resolution).
> The Rasterize (vector to raster) function is based on gdal_rasterize and
> does not take into account styling as it focuses on preserving the actual
> data.
> The work around I am currently using is to use Project-Save as Image while
> displaying only the styled vector layer which will generate a correct world
> file helper, then loading the generated image as raster layer and assigning
> the correct projection. Finally, I clip the raster with the original extent
> of the vector layer.
> This works but is limited as the resolution is constrained by the physical
> size of the map window and requires the additional house keeping steps.
> qgis2web or QTiles or OGR2Tiles as plugins do something like this
> internally but I could not find a plugin which just generates a regular
> raster layer (say geotiff).
> I also know I could probably produce a short Python script (perhaps as
> processing script) to do this but still think I am missing something ?
> Any help or hint much welcome,
> Andreas
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