Hello, I have used this software and it has been very useful to me,  I am a
surveyor engineer and free software user. A year ago in the world linux
have agreed to generate universal packages self-contained with everything
they need to install on any linux distribution. Of which there are today 3;
Simon Peter's appimage, Gnome flatpak and Canonical snaps. The advantage of
these packages is that they use everything in the same package to work,
libraries and so on. Hence they can be installed in any linux distribution.
It would be great to see the Quantum GIS in appimage or in flatpak or snap,
and avoid using the terminal for new users. I somehow defend myself with
the terminal but sometimes it is still somewhat annoying and tedious. I
leave you the links of these new packaging technologies, so that you can
analyze them and may in the not too distant future offer some of these
simple packages. In fact I prefer appimage, I downloaded several of these
applications with this type of package and is simple to use and distribute.
Flatpak and snap are still using the terminal to install them, the snaps
are fairly simple (it will be installed in the gnome and kde software
center in 2018), flatpak the gnome desktop and kde install it from the
software center to install packages Flatpak.
Appimage has its own charm and does not use the terminal but right click on
the icon, properties and run as application and go.
Thank you

Luis V

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