I am using the gdal warp (reproject) processing algorithm in 2.18.9 with
the 'Set georeferenced extents of output file' option, eg. the -te command
line switch.

I am warping from unprojected to UTM coordinates.

Here is a correctly constructed console call
gdalwarp -ot Float32 -t_srs EPSG:32611 -r near -of GTiff -te 222749.290374
3763741.53271 317609.171896 3877346.18124 -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -co
"[temporary file]"

(Sometimes the shown console command does not seem to get updated properly,
but the executed command seems to be always correct)

When I now 'Run' the algo, there is this warning:

'Extent parameters must use the same CRS as the input layers.
Your input layers do not have the same extent as the project, so the extent
might be in a wrong CRS if you have selected it from the canvas.'

The project crs is the warp destination crs (UTM).

The warning is misleading since gdalwarp by default will use the _target_
*-te* *xmin ymin xmax ymax*:set georeferenced extents of output file to be
created (in target SRS by default, or in the SRS specified with -te_srs)

Furthermore, the extent parameters can be in any srs if the -te_srs option
is used.

So to me the warning is quite irritating.

Additionally, I am using the algorithm in a model where I know the inputs
for the extents are correct. Is there a way to silence these wanrings in
models ?


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