Am 16.06.2017 um 18:46 schrieb Andrew Brooks:

I'm getting the error "Unsupported data source" when trying to load a
raster layer.
The console windows show no more information about what it doesn't like
about the file :-(
Photoshop and other image viewers are happy to display the images.

The files have all been created by GDAL (via a vrt) so I'm a bit stuck; how
do I find the problem?

gdalinfo reports
Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: k-42-141.utm.tif

I guess the driver stumbles over the two points in the filename, not knowing the extension should be tif or utm.tif.

Try to substitute the first point. If gdalinfo works, the QGIS importer should too.

André Joost

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